About us
Professionalism and continuity are values that are highly valued in professional football. They create trust and are the base for good business relationships. Experience complements this set of virtues. All of this added up actually makes up for sustained success.
This code of conduct Thomas Kroth has established for the company since the founding of PRO Profil GmbH in 1995. Today it is the asset that has made PRO Profil one of the most recognized, high-profile and largest consultancy agencies in German professional football over the decades.
PRO Profil positions itself as a partner and agent of athletes and clubs. The agency is headed by Thomas Kroth, flanked by his co-partners Berthold Nickl and Gregor Reiter, as well as a network of employees and partners who not only extend this across Germany and Europe but also beyond European borders. Consulting and facilitation are the areas PRO Profil is focusing on. The agency on behalf of the associations at home and abroad is an ever-growing area in Thomas Kroth’s work.
PRO Profil is innovative and modern. In addition to the top professionals, the focus is increasingly on the next generation of talent. Berthold Nickl has made it his main focus to build and expand this important area. In addition, he has established a network of representatives from all medical disciplines, with whom PRO Profil organizes medical colloquia. Main goal of this project was and is to create a highly qualified level of talks between medical departments of the associations and external subject-expert matter representatives.
Further attributes of the work of PRO Profil are fairness and correctness. Gregor Reiter, one of the most prominent sports lawyers in Germany and managing director of the German Football Association (DFVV) and his partners ensure that everything from the conclusion of contracts to their compliance and termination takes place in accordance with according rules and laws.
Last but not least, PRO Profil also takes care of the public affairs of the players, offering in-depth media advice where necessary and makes use of the increased attention on the athlete for marketing purposes.

PRO Profil now has a permanent operation in the UK headed by former English FA Director and England National Team Managing Director Adrian Bevington.
Adrian has over 25 years in professional football, also working with Middlesbrough FC, Nottingham Forest FC and Aston Villa FC in senior positions.
He is a recognisable media commentator on football, making many appearances on BBC, Sky Sports, Talksport and has a large social media following.
Due to his vast experience in the game, Adrian is networked into clubs, federations, commercial organisations and media at the highest levels.
Contact details:
Adrian Bevington
Managing Director – PRO Profil UK Ltd
Telefon: +44 7961883559
Email: adrian@adrianbevington.com
Twitter: @abevington11

PRO Profil opens an office in France. Located in the heart of Paris (8th arrondissement), PRO Profil France is headed by the founders of 3A Sport Law firm, respectively Anthony Costard, lawyer and sport agent licensed by the French Football Federation and Pierre Mathey, attorney at law. Thanks to its extensive knowledge of the French market (more than 80 national and international transactions since 2010) and its network of French employees and experts, PRO Profil France is in charge of the French market for PRO Profil Group.
Contact details:
PRO Profil France
8, rue de Surène
75008 Paris
Telefon: +33 616191969
Email: anthony.costard@proprofil.fr

International transfers and development of top talent
Whether top stars or top talents, both target groups have one thing in common: The agents will stand in line, whether at home or abroad, and advertise their respective advantages. PRO Profil acts differently, does not acquire aggressively, but convinces through performance and relies on recommendation and word-of-mouth propaganda. This procedure has also established itself abroad. Own offices in England and Japan complete the work.
Young upcoming talents, PRO Profil does not promise heaven and earth, but gives a well-founded, realistic assessment of the options. Not every talent makes it to the ‘Bundesliga’. In order to offer young talent a good platform, PRO Profil maintains close contacts nationwide, including to the 3rd or 4th league.

Medical network
Continuity ensures stability. In 25 years PRO Profil has not only built up a network on the player and club side, but also close cooperation with the most renowned experts from all relevant sports medicine disciplines. Of course, orthopedics is the most frequented specialist area in order to get to the bottom of football-specific health problems quickly and in a well-founded manner. Exclusive access helps PRO Profil to ensure diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation at the highest level in a timely manner.
For ten years, PRO Profil has been organizing the “Sports Medicine Colloquium” in Munich, made up of international luminaries such as Prof. Stefan Hinterwimmer (knee), Prof. Martin Mack (MSK radiology) and Prof. Markus Walther (foot). In 2020 it took place for the 16th time.